Global Hunger Index ( GHI )

Tracks the state of hunger worldwide and spotlights those places where action to address hunger is most urgently needed.

Global hunger and undernutrition are severe problems. However, most people don't have a clear view of this situation and lack of information because the giant and complex data is hard to deliver to people. As the enthusiasts of data visualization, my team and I started to design the visualization for helping people digest the record data from the 1990s.

Date: 2018
My Role: D3 developor, Visualization Designer
Teammates: Dora Weng, Guanchao Huang, Lihan Zhu, Xiaochuan Kou

We studied the report of Hunger and Undernourishment, we have found some interesting insights, of which the related visualizations also have the potential for us to improve. Following are our goals ( which visualizations of insights to improve) in the form of domain questions:

  • What is the Global Hunger Index (GHI)?
  • What does its geo-distribution look like? Which regions have more serious GHI?
  • How are children’s stunting, wasting, and mortality rate distributes for the countries with worse GHI?
  • Whether or not the improvement of economic status (GDP) also improves the children’s status in terms of stunting, wasting and mortality?




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Story line

To achieve the aforementioned goals, we divided the visualization into five parts. We use martini glass visualization structure to guide the audience.


1.Start with the high-level, current situation

Visualize current situation of undernourishment, which is a related concept that the public is more familiar to

Donut Chart

By showing the share of undernourished population around the world, the chart aims to give a general idea of global undernourishment and its distribution

  • Color: severity of hunger

2.Introduce the Global hunger index, GHI

Visualize the definition of GHI

We explain the definition of GHI with static illustrations and short paragraphs.


3.Visualize the distribution of GHI values around the world


The map indicates the global situation of GHI and allows viewers to have a general sense of spatial distribution from 1992 to 2018.

  • Radius of circle: GHI index
  • Position of circle: geometric center of each country

4.Visualize the details of different related factors of GHI

Small Multiples

In order to present the deeper analysis of GHI, we use radar chart that represents each country for demonstrating the factors (Undernourishment rate, stunting rate, wasting rate, mortality rate, and underweight rate) of GHI.

  • Color dot: real/simulated data
  • Background color: focus and select
  • Five axises: Undernourishment, Stunting,Wasting, Mortality, Underweight

5.Visualize the GDP and the factors of each country

Line & Bar Chart

The chart used to compare the trend of the four GHI indicators and GDP across the years. It also allows audiences to hide certain indicators.

As the end of the martini glass visualization structure, we also guide audience to interact with the chart and change the data range for further information.

  • Color: different indicators
  • X axis: years
  • Left Y axis: GDP values
  • Right Y axis: GHI indicators’ rates